Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Blogoversary!!

Happy Blogoversary!! I can't believe another year has passed in my crafting life. It seems like only yesterday that the Dizzy Crafter was born. Crochet and knitting have been invaluable in to coping with the daily challenges and rapid life changes living with the invisible illnesses of chronic migraine, vertigo, dizziness and CFIDS bring. Being able to create something in either craft helps me concentrate and to focus which can be very difficult with the brain fog. It's also a great sense of still being able to create something that looks lovely and is functional when many days/times, doing basic functions can be difficult. Crochet and knitting provide a link to the outside world, the ability to expand my knowledge and my worldview, and a sense of community.

In the days to come, I plan to blog more often, and hopefully post some patterns, both for free and for sale both here and on Ravelry, and open an Etsy store. I want to give a whole new meaning to the term "get dizzy."

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